nedelja, 20. maj 2012

Hi again from Portugal!

Recycling is nowadays our key word!
In our school we are creating many works of arts by using only materials that on the past we put on the wastebasket, and parents are learning and helping us.
Last Easter the school promoted a competion in which parents and students could participate alltogether . They have to do a work associated to this festivity. They could only use reused materials.

Look at some of the results!

ponedeljek, 9. april 2012

Can you see the works we did In Portugal?

At the end we gave some gifts to them and we showed the books that we have also produced by adapting the text of the book “At home we are”.

Hi again! From Portugal!

We made many questions to them about the inspiration for the stories and the draws they do, about the places where they study; about the characters they create; about the time they need to produce a book and others. It was very interesting to know all of this.

They showed us the original of a new book they are finishing now and they explained us how it will be pressed and finished.

Meeting with the writer Isabel Minhós Martins and with the illustrator Madalena Matoso

On the last 29th February we had the pleasure to receive in our library the childish writer Isabel Minhós Martins and the illustrator Madalena Matoso. It was amazing because they work together and all the students had worked on some of their books, especially on one book called “At home we are…”