sobota, 5. november 2011

When the partner's were all together in Belgium, Martine's first year pupils were spending a lovely time in Normandie, at the seaside. They have writen a song to thank their hosts.

For the great week we've lived together, we want to say THANK YOU !

For all we've discovered,
For the luck to be there,
For the friendship and the smiles,
We want to say THANK YOU !

To the animation team,
To our very nice hosts,
To the good cooks,
To our teachers,
To all these people we will always remember,
We want to say THANK YOU !

Fishing from the shore ...

seafood platter ...

sreda, 15. junij 2011

Les fêtes du Bouffon (Buffoon festival) in Saint Quentin

This festival takes place every year in our town, at Whitsun. It starts on Friday, the mayor gives the bauble to the buffoon. On Saturday and Sunday, the festivities go on with a lovely parade and a firewok in the night for the pleasure of all our children...

sreda, 8. junij 2011


Turkiye ekibi portekizi cok sevdiler
murat çogun

torek, 7. junij 2011

Comenius RFTA team are spending a lovely time in a beautiful village of Arriaolos in Portugal. We all arrived here yesterday. We have tried various kinds of food, seen picturesque landscape, listened to Portuguese folk music and learnt to dance some Portuguese dances.

Boys from Slovenia (Martin and Leonardo) took a cycling trip with Rui (Portuguese IT teacher) and Marko (Slovene PE teacher). They liked the trip a lot. They saw the marvellous corker trees, rabbits and other animals.  But obviously the trip wasn't too demanding because they had the time to think about how to trick their teacher... (Ask your teachers, they'll explain it to you.)

Here's the photo of the enthusiastic cyclers.

nedelja, 5. junij 2011

A trip to Portugal

Portugal, here we come. We are ready for the 3rd visit in Comenius project. This time we will visit Arraiolos in Portugal. We are looking forward to the visit.
Marko B., Slovenija

ponedeljek, 23. maj 2011

England - Heaton Avenue - Our Swimming Gala

The swimming gala

We all had to line up to get ready to swim. Emma’s race was first she did breaststroke and she came 2nd.
Then it was Jennifer’s race and she did backstroke and she
Came 3rd. After that Darcie did her race and she did front crawl and came 4th.  Some of us got medals and some did
not but that was ok. The good thing is that we competed
and had a good time. Then we did a relay, Jennifer was in
the relay and she did backstroke. After that there was a final relay and Jennifer came 5th and got a medal. At the end the boys were the fastest so they got the trophy. Jennifer got 2 medals and Emma and Darcie got 1 medal. In the end we all had a good time. Then we all got ready to go home and our teachers were very pleased that we swam in the swimming gala.

The Royal Wedding 2011

In 2011 at Heaton Avenue School we had a Royal Wedding but it wasn’t a real
Wedding.  Natasha was Catherine, James was Prince William,
Louie was Prince Harry, William was Mr Middleton and Megan Foster was Queen Elizabeth. There was a wedding reception where we had lots of food. There was sandwiches and jam rolls. Louie told a joke about Mrs Hayes in his speech.   We enjoyed it lots.

Written by Natasha Fish and Megan Whitworth from year 1.

četrtek, 5. maj 2011

Final exams for 6 and 9 graders in Slovenia

Pupils at OŠ raka Primary School in Slovenia are taking final exams in Slovene, Maths and English. We are keeping our fingers crossed for them.

ponedeljek, 28. marec 2011

četrtek, 17. marec 2011


This is a blog about the Comenius project named Reach for the Arts. Children and teachers from six schools from six different countries will write news about the project.